Back     Parameters for Product description   Pearl Whole Millet Grains (Grade 2)    

#Parameter CostLab
1Aflatoxin B1 22,000/=Chemistry Lab
2Aflatoxin B1 (Part of Total Aflatoxin) 0/=Chemistry Lab
3Damaged grain 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
4Ergot affected grains 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
5Escherichia coli 27,500/=Micro Biology Lab
6Fat content on dry matter basis 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
7Foreign matter (Inorganic) 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
8Foreign matter (Organic) 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
9Immature and shrivelled 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
10Moisture content 40,000/=Chemistry Lab
11One litre weight 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
12Organochlorine Pesticide Residues (OCPs); CODEX STAN GC 0080 - Cereal Grains 190,000/=Chemistry Lab
13Organonitrogen Pesticide Residues (ONPs); CODEX STAN GC 0080 - Cereal Grains 0/=Chemistry Lab
14Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues (OPPs); CODEX STAN GC 0080 - Cereal Grains 0/=Chemistry Lab
15Other edible grains 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
16Salmonella 70,000/=Micro Biology Lab
17Staphylococcus aureus 60,000/=Micro Biology Lab
18Total aflatoxin 220,000/=Chemistry Lab
19Weeviled grains 20,000/=Chemistry Lab
20Yeasts and moulds 45,000/=Micro Biology Lab
Sub Total: 854,500/=
Laboratory Fee: 10,000/=
Total:UGX 864,500/=